I have been on vacation from work since 4:30 pm on Tuesday waiting for the snow to come. We were suppose to be hit first thing Wednesday morning...nope, Nada, nothing. Today again the same! Until 5:02pm when leaving a LYS it hit salt lake hard. It hasn't stopped snowing and now the lake has added its say into the storm.
This month has really flown since I went back to work. I had to finish all the little gifts for direct reports, co-workers and managers. Most of the month our home pc has been down as Mr80grit has tried to improve our computer so it will continue doing its job until after we finish paying for the brand new car going into my mouth. (I have to have the top teeth all crowned, due to long term undiagnosed celiac disease) I am not a candidate to dentures for the same reason the bones in my face would collapse faster than normal, aging me 30 to 40 years. That is definitely not something I want.
I got a great package from Bea that I need to upload during my vacation . Maybe tomorrow as Mr80grit has the day off and can keep me from throwing the computer out the window.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Last Day
Well today is the last day of the month and last business day of my medical leave. I can't believe the month has gone so fast. We finally got snow on Tuesday/Wednesday, some is still here. It is bitter cold. I don't mind the cold as long as we have snow!!!
Mr80grit caught a cold this week and gave it to me last night. Just what I need to go back to work next week. But I have a few days to knock it out! Busy weekend planned with open houses for the pastor candidate this weekend for senior pastor at HBC.
I think it is funny that after fighting with the short term disability people at work, it finally all came together the last day. I miss the previous company that handled it. They seemed more on the ball. I think my cold medicine just kicked in as I don't feel like I am making sense. So bye for now.
Mr80grit caught a cold this week and gave it to me last night. Just what I need to go back to work next week. But I have a few days to knock it out! Busy weekend planned with open houses for the pastor candidate this weekend for senior pastor at HBC.
I think it is funny that after fighting with the short term disability people at work, it finally all came together the last day. I miss the previous company that handled it. They seemed more on the ball. I think my cold medicine just kicked in as I don't feel like I am making sense. So bye for now.
Friday, November 23, 2007
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope all reading this did also.
I am Thankful for my new nephew who made his appearance on Wednesday morning. I am looking forward to meeting him soon!
I am Thankful for my family and their love for me.
I Am Thankful for my hubby, his love keeps me going.
I am Thankful for the Great I AM!
I am Thankful for my new nephew who made his appearance on Wednesday morning. I am looking forward to meeting him soon!
I am Thankful for my family and their love for me.
I Am Thankful for my hubby, his love keeps me going.
I am Thankful for the Great I AM!
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Best things in life
are knitted.
Well the up side of being off until December 4th is that I am getting my Christmas knitting completed. No pictures yet as that takes more focus than I have yet. I did spend a delightful day knitting at my favorite LYS. Mondays are pretty slow in the way of visitors/knitters so I enjoyed being out of the house without the masses.
It was a beautiful day in the high 60's. But my kind of weather should be coming in any time tonight as a cold front should be here by morning. Master bedroom is on the third floor and with the sunlight was an oven so the a/c was running today, in fact just clicked on. According to the weather channel it is currently 56 outside and by 6 am we should be to 38. Now if snow would come that would be even better.
Have a great Thanksgiving just in case I don't post.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
We interupt this life....
for a little surgery.
First you have to understand that I am not a fan of Halloween. I love autumn but Halloween is my least favorite holiday. I did not need any additional reasons not to care for the holiday but I got one. I spent Halloween night in the emergency room of the newest hospital in Salt Lake. If I wasn't in such horrible pain it would have been fun to see it all.
I spent from 6:30 pm until 1130 pm in the ER while they determined what was wrong with me. I had a very sick appendix. So off to surgery I go, (only after they determine that they have everything needed,) While the hospital opened on Monday, ,the OR didn't open until that day. I have never been bumped from a flight but that night I was bumped from surgery twice due to other traumas. I have had two other surgeries prior to this but I have to say this was the worse post op for me. I had wonderful care from the staff but I was really sick this time.
I am now home, doing knitting and trying not to go crazy!!!! I just want it to snow now!! :}
First you have to understand that I am not a fan of Halloween. I love autumn but Halloween is my least favorite holiday. I did not need any additional reasons not to care for the holiday but I got one. I spent Halloween night in the emergency room of the newest hospital in Salt Lake. If I wasn't in such horrible pain it would have been fun to see it all.
I spent from 6:30 pm until 1130 pm in the ER while they determined what was wrong with me. I had a very sick appendix. So off to surgery I go, (only after they determine that they have everything needed,) While the hospital opened on Monday, ,the OR didn't open until that day. I have never been bumped from a flight but that night I was bumped from surgery twice due to other traumas. I have had two other surgeries prior to this but I have to say this was the worse post op for me. I had wonderful care from the staff but I was really sick this time.
I am now home, doing knitting and trying not to go crazy!!!! I just want it to snow now!! :}
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Vacation in the fall colors.
Mr80grit and I took a long vacation up in the mountains at the beginning of the month. We had a great place with a full kitchen and a gas fireplace. We love looking at the view. Here are a few pictures
We had a great time. We even saw a deer. We are planning take a day trip on Monday with my folks for lunch. Mr. NeverHome is taking the day off to join us. It is going to be great fun.
Scarf for Winter
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Last Sunday, Mr 80grit and I took a car ride up to Park city over guardsman pass to Brighton/Solitude. It was beautiful, the fall colors were beautiful. We were going to leave the canyon when we saw it was snowing at Brighton. So up the canyon we went. It was awesome, the first snow of the year!!! Then we went back over to Park City, what an awesome day.
Now one week later we have had snow down in the valley. It didn't stick yesterday but it did in the mountains. They were beautifully coated this morning on our way to HBC. Fall has definately come!!! We are now planning our anniversary weekend for next weekend. Can't wait to see what we do!
On the knitting front, I have finished both scarfs for Mr Cimarron. Now I have to wash and block then sent the package out. I think he will love it. I will post pictures soon now that the home computer is back online.
Now one week later we have had snow down in the valley. It didn't stick yesterday but it did in the mountains. They were beautifully coated this morning on our way to HBC. Fall has definately come!!! We are now planning our anniversary weekend for next weekend. Can't wait to see what we do!
On the knitting front, I have finished both scarfs for Mr Cimarron. Now I have to wash and block then sent the package out. I think he will love it. I will post pictures soon now that the home computer is back online.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Frogged it Again!
Did you hear it? rip it, rip it. I did it again on the gray scarf, I have lost count how many times I have frogged this project but now Mr 80 grit (aka Pookie) likes this one better. Which since the scarf is going to Mr Cimmaron, I think Mr 80 grit is on to something. I have just gone off work and had the need to post, even though I haven't knitted one stitch today. I am excited to finish the gray scarf as soon as I can because I am quite bored of the yarn. It is a very nice blend of everything, but it sucks all the moisture out of my hands. Here in Utah, everything is already so dry that keeping moisture in is hard.
Mr 80 grit is currently downstairs cooking dinner. He is trying a recipe from the eating gluten free cookbook. Beef Stroganoff...smells yummy! He is so delightful in the kitchen, I know I am the most spoil girl in the world. He cooks, he does the laundry, he cleans -even the bathroom. It doesn't get better than this.
Tomorrow it is suppose to rain. I love rain, cloudy dark, cold days, even when I work. I love snowy days even more (yes, even when I have to drive in them.)
Have you every had the experience when you get to met people you have read about or read their blogs for months? I got that experience on Tuesday but I am now just finding how who I actually meet based on their blogs now. I am now so excited to go back to Snb on Tuesday. But I believe I will need to finish the gray scarf before so I can really enjoy my time with the gang.
Mr 80 grit is currently downstairs cooking dinner. He is trying a recipe from the eating gluten free cookbook. Beef Stroganoff...smells yummy! He is so delightful in the kitchen, I know I am the most spoil girl in the world. He cooks, he does the laundry, he cleans -even the bathroom. It doesn't get better than this.
Tomorrow it is suppose to rain. I love rain, cloudy dark, cold days, even when I work. I love snowy days even more (yes, even when I have to drive in them.)
Have you every had the experience when you get to met people you have read about or read their blogs for months? I got that experience on Tuesday but I am now just finding how who I actually meet based on their blogs now. I am now so excited to go back to Snb on Tuesday. But I believe I will need to finish the gray scarf before so I can really enjoy my time with the gang.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tuesday Night SnB
Wow! What fun it was tonight. I went to the local Snb for a great night of knitting and talking. What an awesome group, they were friendly and funny. I finished the IHS for the cimmaron boy. I will have to see what the weather is like in Minneapolis to see how soon I need to send it. I would like to finish the other one, so that he can have both at one time. Mr Pookie finished setting up my portable application thumb drive so I will be more able to take my life with me. Hopefully soon I will be able to upload some pictures of completed projects!
Fall is Coming!
I am so very excited. The weather is trying to cool down and the leaves are starting to change. I love Fall and Winter. They are my most favorite months. I love snuggling under a fuzzy blanket while knitting away at whatever project is going on. I am still working on the scarves but I have started to dedicate my time to just one at a time and have made great head way on the IHS.
Saturday night I gave my sister in law her shawl/scarf for winter. By her response I believe it will be a big hit. She is nine weeks away from her due date. She is just too cute for words. She looks fabulous and currently has a beautiful hairdo.
She really loved the baby socks that I put in the package. Everyone should have a pair of hand knitted socks!!! So before nephew to be is born, he has some. Pictures will eventually follow as soon as the computer at home is back online.
Saturday night I gave my sister in law her shawl/scarf for winter. By her response I believe it will be a big hit. She is nine weeks away from her due date. She is just too cute for words. She looks fabulous and currently has a beautiful hairdo.
She really loved the baby socks that I put in the package. Everyone should have a pair of hand knitted socks!!! So before nephew to be is born, he has some. Pictures will eventually follow as soon as the computer at home is back online.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
10 Years Together
Today is our ten year wedding anniversary. Wow! In some ways this blows my mind. How did ten years go by without me noticing? On Monday, we were at the Dentist and the hygienist asked how long we had been married. Pookie replied 10 years this week. She was quite surprised as she thought it was a short time. True, we probably act like newly married because we still love to hang out with each other and we still think that the other is pretty awesome. In this ten years we have gone through a lot. Life is not a smooth journey but it would be boring if it was. Pookie is the best guy you can have as a knitter. He loves texture and color. He has a good eye for what looks good on people and remembers the colors they like to wear. Which is really great when picking out projects for Christmas. But like most knitting hubbies, he still doesn't have a pair of hand knitted socks. Oh well, maybe after Christmas.
Knitting update: still working on both scarfs for Cousin's birthday. I am calling them the north and south scarves. As one is blue and the other is gray, cimarronboy can chose which one will win. I love both of them.
Knitting update: still working on both scarfs for Cousin's birthday. I am calling them the north and south scarves. As one is blue and the other is gray, cimarronboy can chose which one will win. I love both of them.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Christmas on the brain
All day long I have had Christmas on the brain. I don't know how much I will be knitting for Christmas this year. I will probably do socks for the girls again as they all seemed to enjoy them. Actually I think I have been freaking out about Christmas as I casted on two scarfs for my cousin. At first it was to see what yarn I liked better but now I like both so both MUST be completed for him.
I frogged my jitterbug socks again. I am giving up with this yarn, I read a great post yesterday about someone else having the same issue and made a scarf with the yarn instead. So I have decided to do the same. I will enjoy it no matter what.
Today was a crazy day at work, didn't have time to knit at lunch. So must knit tonight as my fingers have the 'itch'
I frogged my jitterbug socks again. I am giving up with this yarn, I read a great post yesterday about someone else having the same issue and made a scarf with the yarn instead. So I have decided to do the same. I will enjoy it no matter what.
Today was a crazy day at work, didn't have time to knit at lunch. So must knit tonight as my fingers have the 'itch'
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Missing in Action
I have missed my computer and I have missed posting. Our family computer became tempermental and has given up currently. So what is a person to do? Find a good computer at the city library, so here I am. This is my first visit to the City Library in downtown Salt Lake and it is absolutely gorgeous. I could sit here all day if I wanted to but I don't want to pay for parking. hahahahaha!
I have completed several baby afgan this summer. I currently have on the needles, a pair of socks for me with jittterbug yarn - loving it!!! A baby afgan for Nephew to be named and born in November!!!! Today I picked up yarn for a scarf for my awesome cousin who turns 50 later this month. Mom and I spent a lot time at my favorite LYS this morning deciding what yarn will do. We couldn't make up our mind so I came home with two options to see which one will knit up best!
I am looking forward to the cooler weather which I hope starts soon. Mom has her mother's day socks ready to go. I finally knit them up this last month. I did my first baby booties out of the extra.
More later and maybe some pictures!
I have completed several baby afgan this summer. I currently have on the needles, a pair of socks for me with jittterbug yarn - loving it!!! A baby afgan for Nephew to be named and born in November!!!! Today I picked up yarn for a scarf for my awesome cousin who turns 50 later this month. Mom and I spent a lot time at my favorite LYS this morning deciding what yarn will do. We couldn't make up our mind so I came home with two options to see which one will knit up best!
I am looking forward to the cooler weather which I hope starts soon. Mom has her mother's day socks ready to go. I finally knit them up this last month. I did my first baby booties out of the extra.
More later and maybe some pictures!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Blink and you miss it
Wow! I haven't realized that it had been so very long since I last had post. A lot has happened since then. I had surgery on my right shoulder at the end of February to remove a very large lymphoma that was causing all sorts of havoc in my life. It stopped me from knitting for most of the month and through out most of March. I am back to knitting a baby afghan for a co-worker that had a beautiful baby boy a week ago Monday.
I have received two delicious deliveries from Socks that Rock! I have not thought about doing the patterns as they are toe up and I haven't done that yet. I have four more baby afghan to complete this summer. Plus my SIL is due in November so many different ideas for that precious sweet one!
So my socks will have to go on hold. The next baby is due in June, then July, August and September. I am doing unconventional colors for those as I am totally over baby blue and baby pink.
I have received two delicious deliveries from Socks that Rock! I have not thought about doing the patterns as they are toe up and I haven't done that yet. I have four more baby afghan to complete this summer. Plus my SIL is due in November so many different ideas for that precious sweet one!
So my socks will have to go on hold. The next baby is due in June, then July, August and September. I am doing unconventional colors for those as I am totally over baby blue and baby pink.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Time Warp
Okay, I got lost in time again. It was so bad this time that Pookie told me today, "you have got to post on your blog." So here I am. I have been busy with knitting for the Children's Hospital of Boston. I have slow down recently as my shoulder has been giving me problems. But hopefully soon I will be back knitting up a storm.
I also set myself goals for this year. One was to get healthier, first step was to maintain what I ate as gluten free food can be high in calories. So I went back to a plan that teaches you how to eat really easily. It is working cause in 4 weeks I have lost 10.2 pounds. Not to shabby if I say so.
I do have some pictures to post. I finish the birthday present for Mom. It was a pair of blue socks. I teased her by telling her it was something she asked for, which she did as a side comment in a conversation that we had before Christmas. She received my very first pair of socks that I ever knitted so they were okay but not as good as the latest ones. So I made her an updated pair.
Also Pookie delivered the scarf to his mom yesterday, but forgot to take the camera so there is no pictures of that at this time.
It was snowing big fluffy flakes on the way to work this morning. It was so beautiful I wish I could have stayed home and watched it. At least the air is fresh and the weather is not too cold.
I also set myself goals for this year. One was to get healthier, first step was to maintain what I ate as gluten free food can be high in calories. So I went back to a plan that teaches you how to eat really easily. It is working cause in 4 weeks I have lost 10.2 pounds. Not to shabby if I say so.
I do have some pictures to post. I finish the birthday present for Mom. It was a pair of blue socks. I teased her by telling her it was something she asked for, which she did as a side comment in a conversation that we had before Christmas. She received my very first pair of socks that I ever knitted so they were okay but not as good as the latest ones. So I made her an updated pair.
Also Pookie delivered the scarf to his mom yesterday, but forgot to take the camera so there is no pictures of that at this time.
It was snowing big fluffy flakes on the way to work this morning. It was so beautiful I wish I could have stayed home and watched it. At least the air is fresh and the weather is not too cold.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
lost in time
I really dread sometimes knitting for a deadline but I do it for myself. I am currently trying to finish a project before Saturday night so I can block it and give it to my mom for her birthday. Her birthday is Saturday, however, due to work schedule we aren't able to get together until Sunday.
We will be going to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants Biaggi's. They have one of the best gluten free pastas and tons of sauces that I have had since going gluten free. The staff has been excellent each time we have gone and several of them know us by name.
It seems like the year just started and here it is February. At least it started off right with snow, the light fluffy kind. I could go without the below freezing temperatures that we have had this year but today at least the gunk is out of the air. Yeah!!! I will post a picture of mom's birthday gift on Sunday after the party!!!
We will be going to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants Biaggi's. They have one of the best gluten free pastas and tons of sauces that I have had since going gluten free. The staff has been excellent each time we have gone and several of them know us by name.
It seems like the year just started and here it is February. At least it started off right with snow, the light fluffy kind. I could go without the below freezing temperatures that we have had this year but today at least the gunk is out of the air. Yeah!!! I will post a picture of mom's birthday gift on Sunday after the party!!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Pink Packages
It snowed during the night so we have the sun out. I love a fresh layer of snow. It makes me want to knitting all snuggled up on the couch. Usually with my oldest cat Isabelle in my lap. She doesn't mess with yarn or my knitting as she had problem with a needle when she was a kitten so it is the one thing she is pretty safe around.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
A Saturday off
Today has been an awesome day. One-it is a Saturday and I am not working. Two-Enjoyed a wonderful gluten free brunch as part of the Gluten Free Group Walk committee meeting. Foods that were so normal that unless you were told you wouldn't know. Three-It's snow, big fat flakes! Yummy!!! Four-My Knit Mitt Kit Swap package arrived in the mail. It is so awesome! Hopefully I will be able to upload pictures. My tech support is currently napping with all three cats.
Tonight we are going to see a local theatre production. Bubba, (part brother/part friend) is who introduced Pookie and I ten years ago. He is running sound and put two tickets at will call. We are looking forward to this. Maybe we will go to dinner first. Who knows.
I need to knit a little on mom's up coming birthday present, no details as she may click into the blog as she gets more familiar with the internet. I am so glad she retired in the Fall it made the holidays so much fun. She emails me quite often which I greatly enjoy.
Tonight we are going to see a local theatre production. Bubba, (part brother/part friend) is who introduced Pookie and I ten years ago. He is running sound and put two tickets at will call. We are looking forward to this. Maybe we will go to dinner first. Who knows.
I need to knit a little on mom's up coming birthday present, no details as she may click into the blog as she gets more familiar with the internet. I am so glad she retired in the Fall it made the holidays so much fun. She emails me quite often which I greatly enjoy.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
How come weekends are so short? This weekend Pookie and I celebrated 10 years since we met. Thank you Bubba! So we did a night in the city. Great dinner, hotel room with state of the art beds....okay I am the princess in the story princess and the pea. The beds were awful, so at 5:27 am we loaded up for home to get some much needed sleep.
The rest did us good!!! I did finish the MIL's scarf yesterday, now to be blocked and given. Picture is coming.
Knit Mitt Kit Swap package has been sent to Texas today, on schedule.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
MIL's Scarf
well, with a little time off for not feeling welll. I am half way on MIL's scarf. It is looking pretty good. I am anixious to finish so that I can work on Mom's UFO for her birthday. I am not saying what it is as she maybe reading my blog before her birthday.
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