If you read my hubby's post on veteran's day
here, you will understand that we believe in and support our military and our country. The tears ran down my face as I read his post tonight, I didn't leave a comment on his post, I had more to say.
I was raised to honor the military and our country. My dad served two years in Germany in the late 50's. His brother and father both served also. My Pappy served and would tell stories, not ones that would scare me but would entertain me about World War II. He came into my life when I was 13 and left my live when I was 23. He reminded me of Popeye, short and full of energy. I remember Memorial day in Oklahoma when he would march in the parade and do the ceremonies at the cemeteries in the surrounding area. I remember his and his friends, also veterans of WWII, pride for their country and their flag.
I remember that day in July, in the cemetery and the 21 gun salute, which in a small town is 7 guns and three volleys. The flag on the casket and following the casket out of the church through the arch of swords. The man loved his country, his God and his family. His service to his country I remember on this day.
I met Mr80grit a year after he got out of the Navy. But the Navy never leaves a sailor. We have memories of that time in our house.
In our house we remember the soldiers that are serving our country by always wearing red on Friday. We will wear red on Fridays until they all come home. We pray for the troops, the president and our country. It doesn't matter that our guy didn't win in the recent election, we will still pray and we will still wear red on Fridays.
Let us never forget the cost of freedom - It is never free!