Monday, January 19, 2009

Moving on

Well I counted down the days yesterday at work. I only go into the office for full days 7 more times. Wow! I can't believe that it is almost here. My last day in the office is exactly 13 years from my first day. That is so wild. January 31st.

I have started to bring things home from the office that made my life nice there. So Saturday my Hawaiian bears from Bea came home to now grace my bedroom bookshelf as my new office is open to the public and I don't want to lose this precious pals!

It is seeming very strange to know that the last day is in sight. They did offer to extend 30 days, but with my other job already in the works, I declined. So on to having weekends and holidays off! Yeah!


  1. Sounds like moving on will be a good thing for you! I'm so glad you love your bears :)

  2. Its always nice to move on if its for something better and it sounds like its alot better. I've been looking for something closer to home but haven't found anything yet. Love the bears!
